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The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

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Battlefield 5 Armageddon ?

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Maybe in 2016 because this year 2015 will be:

Battlefiled Hardline

Just Cause 3 in 2015 !

 See details 

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The Witcher 3 - Contract: Devil by the well - Find the spirit that haunts the well

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt


The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt new guide ! If you want to see recorded gameplay with the quest with how to solved it, then go here and watch it on youtube. If you need more explanations and tips, then read our tutorial / guide.

White Orchard Secondary Witchers Quest

1. Hardest to do this quest, it is to find out from that well and read details about Bestiary. (see video)

When you are inside well, use witchers sense to see a chest and a bracelet on the bottom of water and then go to shore where you see a place whitish than other, and then go ahead to the left and use C to go underwater and follow the minimap.

To read about Bestiary is easy.

Press M or Escape and scroll to bestiary then read about SPECTERS and the about:

Devil by the well and noonwraiths

Now you can continue to finish quest.

Remember ! To watch this quest video gameplay on youtube, you have the link for video above.

 See more guides 

The Witcher 3 - Contract: Devil by the well - Find the spirit that haunts the well

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, w3 Devil by the well, w 3 kill ghost, w3 well ghost guide

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This guide can be solve by watching video or read the guide and follow the instructions or get an idea about what you need to do next to complete witcher 3 quests.

Tips for The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Do as many secondary quest as you can because you will become stronger and you need that.

Do not upgrade only fast attack and powerfull attack ! give some points to vitality and regeneration.

Magic in The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is very important ! Use magic shield protection when you are in combat with stronger enemy boss or beast.

Invest in armours and repair kits.

Use Space + left or right to avoid attacks with stronger enemy.

Use crossbow to start a fight then magic trap and you got him.

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

This guide has been created on : 2015-05-26 by IoanaFX