GTA 5 for PC - April 2015

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

Battlefield - Hardline

Battlefield 5 Armageddon ?

See details

Maybe in 2016 because this year 2015 will be:

Battlefiled Hardline

Just Cause 3 in 2015 ?

 See details 

Important websites:

Best search engine is :

Best Vblog is :

Grand Theft Auto V - Increase framerate for Nvidia GeForce and AMD Radeon video cards

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V is finaly released for PC ! But some pc / windows players have many problems with their gameplay experience and that mean that they play the game with lag, glithces, spikes ...performance issue. To solve those problems AMD Radeon (AMD 15.3 Beta 1 is the best ATI driver for Gta 5) has released new video graphics driver and also Nvidia GeForce (Nvidia 350.05 is the best GeForce driver for Gta 5)as well.

How to fix performance issue ? Download latest updated driver for your video card from above (choose nvidia or amd radeon video card model)

How to Tweak Grand Theft Auto V is actualy how to install latest graphics drivers :

1. Download new driver to a known folder and then download this cleaning tool to clean driver

2. Uninstall your current driver from control panel and DO NOT restart after uninstall is finished.

3. Run downloaded driver cleaner and choose to restart in SAFE MODE

4. Select Nvidia for GeForce video cards and AMD for Radeon cards (highly recommended option)

5. Wait few moments for restart message and restart when prompted.

6. Install new driver and play Grand Theft Auto V better that before.

Good Luck.


1. Learn how to PROPER uninstall a graphics driver

 Uninstall Guide 

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V - Increase framerate for Nvidia GeForce and AMD Radeon video cards

 More Tutorials / Downloads 

Tags: Grand Theft Auto V lag, Gta 5 lag in paris, Gta 5 lag in city, Gta 5 slow play, Grand Theft Auto V slow motion gameplay, Grand Theft Auto V glitch, Gta 5 freezing issue, Grand Theft Auto V unplayable, not working proper, Gta 5 lag while riding, Grand Theft Auto V lag while parkour, Grand Theft Auto V tweak, Gta 5 download tweaks

This guide has been created on : 2015-04-11 by Ioana Alexandra